Goodies Depot

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Get The Details Of The “Server That Hosts Your Website”: phpSysInfo

phpSysInfo is a free PHP script that displays detailed information about the host it is placed. It can show data like the CPU, Ram, OS, "since when it is up", installed ... ...

Open Source & Web-Based Personal Information Dashboard: conjoon

conjoon is a web-based open source application, built with the Zend Framework, that focuses on message exchanging. Currently, it is a full-featured webmail & RSS reader client with contacts management. But ... ...

A JS Library To Use Facebook Connect: Mu

Mu is a JavaScript library for enabling Facebook Connect on any website with ease. It makes accessing the following possible: Identity: the user's name, photo and more Social Graph: the user's ... ...

Google Social Search Adds Your Friends to Your Search Results

Google has added a new social-search tool to its experimental search options. Google Social Search, which went live Monday afternoon, finds results from your social network, pulls a list of your ... ...

Visually Connect HTML Elements: jsPlumb

jsPlumb is a jQuery plugin for visually connecting HTML elements on a web page. It uses a HTML5 canvas element when supported and Google's ExplorerCanvas script to support older browsers. The styles, ... ...

‘Tile Drawer’ Makes Hosting Your Own OpenStreetMap Server Dead Simple

We’ve been big fans of OpenStreetMap, the wiki-style world map that anyone can edit, for some time — it’s open source, more accurate than Google Maps in some rural or ... ...

Free Magento Themes Collection

This article is sponsored by SSLmatic which sells SSL certificates (RapidSSL, Geotrust, Verisign) for much cheaper prices & offers great support. Check their site to get the cheap SSL certificates. This ... ...

MooTools Sliding Image Gallery: slideGallery

slideGallery is a MooTools plugin for creating customizable image carousels easily & quickly. It converts any given unordered list into a slider & can be styled with CSS. The plugin can display ... ...

Cross Browser CSS Transforms – cssSandpaper

The transform property of CSS allows rotating, scaling, and skewing objects in HTML. However, as expected, it doesn't work consistently on every browser (specially IE) and requires a different rule for ... ...

Create Mobile Applications With Just HTML, CSS & jQuery: jQTouch

jQTouch is a jQuery plugin for creating mobile applications with just HTML, CSS & JavaScript. It comes with native animations, automatic navigation, and themes for mobile WebKit browsers like iPhone, G1, ... ...
Tuesday, October 15, 2024